Topic: Infrastructure Development

Commercial space endeavors require significant infrastructure to allow them to do business. Some are required simply start doing business: access to capital, insurance, regulatory clarity, etc. Others reduce the costs of doing business which allows new business cases to close: low cost access to launch sites, logistics services in a given area, access to skilled labor, etc.


Question: What infrastructure changes/development can NASA, the Federal Government, and State governments do to enable new commercial space endeavors?


1) Reform of range management, rules and pricing


2) State level liability protection laws


3) NASA externships (access to skilled labor)


A good example of how range infrastructure and scheduling policies can cost significant amounts of money:  SpaceX pushes back target date for next Falcon 1 launch

And this is just one flight of a Falcon 1. As SpaceX grows and its manifest fills up these kinds of scheduling issues can cause them to lose business.