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Tools We Should Use

Page history last edited by Ken Davidian 16 years, 4 months ago

Hi everybody!


This is a list of the different web 2.0 tools being used for this virtual community for the different functionality to be accomplished. If you have other ideas of what tools could be used, please add to this file or comment on it and we'll see if they are more appropriate and useful than what we're starting out with.


Below I list the web 2.0 application and the functionality it provides. I also give a brief description of how it is envisioned to be used. I also have questions (underlined) that I pose and I would be interested in your thoughts about those.


Twitter: Spontaneous Communication - To make this community work effectively and dynamically, twitter provides the ability to send short messages (declarative or interrogative!) to the entire network. This can be a very powerful tool for getting things done and getting contributions from the right sources very quickly. If you haven't already, please get a twitter account and follow me (kdavidian) and others in this group, and we will all start following you. I will create a tweme for this activity, but I haven't done that yet.


PBWiki: Collaborative Document Workspace - We need a place to put ideas and thoughts on paper and PBWiki was recommended for that purpose. It wasn't in my original "architecture" for this activity, but it's a good example of how somebody recommended it be used, I tried it, and it's proving to be very useful. (Thanks, Andrew! twitterid: ahoppin). Also, as of Tuesday, 10 June, the "Commercial Space Wiki" is being referred to as the "Michael Mealling Commercial Space Wiki" because he personally paid for the upgraded Silver service level so we now have 10GB of file storage space on the pbwiki servers. I recommend that we store files that cannot be stored on Google Docs (the web 2.0 application that is mentioned next) such as pdfs.


Google Docs: File Server - Since we can now store up to 10GB of files on the pbwiki site, you might think that we don't need Google Docs. But in fact, Google Docs is a good place for massively collaborative document projects, so I think it fills a need that we might not have right now, but we probably will in the future. Also, it provides a location where we can put files (documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc.) of certain formats (.doc, .ppt, .xls) where we can link to them from this wiki, or access them directly.


Chat: Sometimes you just need to talk to someone in real time. Even twitter (with all of its scalability problems) is to slow. Here is one solution:

Create a Meebo Chat Room

Quick Surveys: SurveyMonkey I had a thought that we could use Survey Monkey or some other site like that to put together quick surveys and collect responses in a semi-intelligent way. I've used it in the past and it's very easy to use and can provide good stats afterwards. Please let me know what you think of this idea! If you have another survey site you'd propose we use, please do so!


That's about it so far. I originally thought about using facebook to take advantage of their "groups" function, but I'm not sure we really need it. Do you have an opinion about that? Should we create a space commerce group in facebook to join? What would be the function it would serve? Would it be effective?



Comments (7)

Michael Mealling said

at 11:55 am on Jun 10, 2008

You now have silver service level for commercialspace.pbwiki.com

Bradley Cheetham said

at 10:13 pm on Jun 11, 2008

Facebook: I think that a facebook group might be a good way of advertising down the road. Its a way for us to get exposure to a younger crowd. However at this point I think it would serve as a distraction and we should only worry about facebook as an aside at a later date.

Ken Davidian said

at 12:12 am on Jun 12, 2008

I think you're right about the facebook aspect. I'm finding I'm spending less and less time with facebook because all the needs are being met by the combination of all the other apps. Like you said, once we want to start raising the visibility of the work, then we can get a presence on facebook. Let's see if anybody else chimes in re facebook and after the "people have spoken" I'll update the page to reflect the consensus of the group-think.

William Pomerantz said

at 4:40 pm on Jun 16, 2008

I'm just starting to use Facebook now, several years too late. = )
Looking at incoming traffic to the various Google Lunar X PRIZE websites, it's clear that Facebook still has some value--but that Twitter is better!

Ken Davidian said

at 4:00 pm on Jun 20, 2008

As of today, I have seen the following percentage of folks from different groups get onto twitter:

- 21% of the NGEC2 attendees
- 37% of the NASA Goddard Academy participants
- 10% of the NASA ad hoc commercial development team
- 06% of AIAA Commercial Space Group folks

I'll keep pushing for better participation on twitter (following each other and tagging tweets with #newspace when appropriate), and I'll also keep trying to get them to contribute to this wiki!


Ken Davidian said

at 4:01 pm on Jun 20, 2008

By the way, I'm starting to think that facebook is a bit too informal for professional use... does anybody have any strong feelings pro or con?

Bradley Cheetham said

at 4:34 pm on Jun 20, 2008

Facebook is informal, but thats the beauty of it. LinkedIn is the professional equivalent. I think both have their place, especially with Gen Y because many of us check facebook more than we check email. (i'm not quite that bad).

As far as participation - the more people we can get commenting and contributing to this page the better, things are starting to ramp up with our project and feedback/discussion will help greatly to produce a valuable meaningful paper.

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