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Prize Bookmarks

Page history last edited by Ken Davidian 15 years, 8 months ago

This is from the Long List of KDs Bookmarks.


Centennial Challenges


1. Announced Centennial Challenges


Astro Glove


Labconco: Protector Glove Boxes - Controlled Atmosphere, Multi-Hazard, and Combination Glove Boxes
Convertors Infection Control: Medical Products and Services: Cardinal Health
ACSIG : Asian Center for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics
Fabric Testing
Howstuffworks "How Spacesuits Work"
Serial Grip Strength Testing- Its Role In Assessment Of Wrist And Hand Disability
viewcontent.cgi (application/pdf Object)
Do It Yourself: Small Engines
Clavius: Technology - space suit
Dexterity Tests: Minnesota Test, Purdue Pegboard Test
VALPAR COMPONENT WORK SAMPLE #1 - Small Tools (Mechanical)
Dave Akin's Spacecraft Design Reference Library
Harcourt Assessment : product.aspx


Beam Power


[1.0] Basic Principles Of Radar
Space Future - A Few Things You Occasionally Wanted To Know About Wireless Power Transmission
Space Transfer
Laser Illumination on Moonbase
Laser Show Resource Guide - Laser lights shows and airplane safety - Pangolin Laser Systems
Safety and Health Topics: Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation
Light Sources: Lamps
The Space Elevator Reference brought to you by SpaceRef




Elevator2010 The Space Elevator Challenge
Space Engineering and Science Institute
The Space Elevator 3rd Annual International Conference
The Spaceward Foundation



Materials by Design: Elastic Modulus
Steel for many purposes. Stress and strain.
Creep - Strength ( Mechanics ) of Materials - Engineers Edge
Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
The Nanotube Site
NASA Tech Briefs Nano 2004 Conference
Figure 3 Typical Ductile Material Stress-Strain Curve
Yield Strength Discussion - Beginning


Center for Nanotechnology
Tournament Brackets
Spectra Single Braid Lanyard
Creating A Spectra Loop
|||===|||=||| Want to learn how to splice rope? -----
|||===|||=||| Have you seen our extensive rope application page? -----
The Space Elevator Reference brought to you by SpaceRef




Lunar Regolith Breccias
NASA 2004-05 Lunar ISRU Design Competition
NASA's Web of Life
New Scientist Breaking News - Lunar colony to run on moon dust and robots
Harvest Moon # 1 - Spring 1993
Lunar Regolith Simulant Materials Workshop
OLIVINE (Magnesium Iron Silicate)
Mafic Rock
mafic rock
Mafic vs. Felsic
Space Resources Roundtable
Chapter 2: Design Approach and Constraints
Moon Miners' Manifesto: Aboriginal Lunar Production of Glass
Artemis Project: Artemis Data Book Table of Contents
RC Dive Technology...You Do it oxygen analyzer
FSRI: Space Research
H2-O2 Flammability Limits
Brownie's Tankfill Marine Basic - Light Duty
Luxfer: Medical Cylinders
Images of OGS Vol. 3
JSC-1 Lunar Simulant

Oxygen Use


Human Oxygen Requirements
How much Oxygen is there for a person to survive in an air-tight enclosure?
Atomic Rocket: Life Support



Regolith Excavation


Interesting Products: FAQ
Cheap Liquid Nitrogen
Features Item : How to Dose Liquid Nitrogen Effectively
Chill Factor: Comparing Cryogenic System Operating Costs


Lunar Lander


Lunar Lander Challenge Homepage: space.xprize.org/lunar-lander-challenge/

X PRIZE Foundation homepage: http://www.xprize.org/

Rules Explanation: http://www.xprize.org/blogs/wpomerantz/ng-llc-rules-explained

Mid-2007 Returns Recap: http://www.xprize.org/blogs/wpomerantz/ngllc-early-returns

Team Acuity Technologies Page: http://www.acuitytx.com/pages/About%20Acuity.htm

Team Armadillo Aerospace Page: http://www.armadilloaerospace.com/n.x/Armadillo/Home

Team BonNova Page: http://www.bonnova.com/

Team Masten Space Systems Page: http://www.xprize.org/blogs/wpomerantz/ng-llc-rules-explained

Team Micro-Space Page: http://www.micro-space.com/

Team Paragon Page: http://www.paragonspace.com/

Team SpeedUp Page: http://www.speedupworld.com/index.html

Team Unreasonable Rocket Blog: http://unreasonablerocket.blogspot.com/





2. Proposed Challenges


Data Mining


NASA's Data Mining Resources for Space Science
An Introduction to Data Mining
Data Mining Resources


General Aviation


Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2004
FR Doc 04-13349
GSA - Definition of Public Aircraft, P.L. 106-181


Planetary UAV


Airships ATG
AIRSHIP > Manufacturers & Related Companies
World SkyCat Ltd


Space Food


Product Development Competition


Micro Reentry Vehicle


Institute of Space and Astronautical Science | JAXA
MSNBC - Russians keep working on ‘space parachute’
Atmospheric reentry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Propellantless Propulsion


Interstellar Flight Foundation


Telerobotic Construction


Ashley W. Stroupe
Welcome to the Robot Work Crew Web Page


Cryo Propellant Mgt


NASA - Cryogenic Fluid Management
NASA - Very Cold Research for an In-Space Refueling Station
FSGC - NASA Spaceport Engineering Design Student Competition 2003: WHAT This Opportunity Is About
2004_3837.pdf (application/pdf Object)
NASA SBIR & STTR 2005 Solicitations : TOPIC X3 Power Propulsion and Chemical Systems (PPCS)



Budget Process


Status of FY05 Approps Bills
FY05 Budget Request
(AUTH) House Committee on Science
(AUTH) House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics
(APPROP) House VA/HUD/IA Subcommittee on Appropriations
(AUTH) Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
(AUTH) Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology & Space
(APPROP) Senate VA/HUD/IA Subcommittee on Appropriations
NASA's FY 2006 Budget and Planning Documents
Status of Appropriations Legislation for Fiscal Year 2006 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)




Centennial Challenges. Everything you wanted to know about Centennial Challenges but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about Centennial Challenges here!
Centennial Challenges - definition of Centennial Challenges in Encyclopedia
Centennial Challenges
Read about Centennial Challenges at WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Centennial Challenges and learn about Centennial Challenges here!


Competition References


Alton Brown.com
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International's Aerial Robotics Competition
Encyclopedia Fablis articles
List of prizes, medals, and awards - Encyclopedia Fablis articles about List of prizes, medals, and awards
Venus Check - Centennial Challenges
Yahoo! Search Results for competition
ANSARI X PRIZE Space Race News!
Contests and Competitions
List of prizes, medals, and awards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prizes for Innovation in African Agriculture
Centennial Challenges


Deployable Scopes


Foster-Miller - Deployable Structures - Nanotechnology Company specializing in System Design and Integration, Microelectronics,
The Air Force Opens New Eyes Deployable Optics Take Shape
Department of Astronomy and the Steward Observatory
Univ of Rochester - Center for Optics Manufacturing (COM)
Univ of Rochester - Rochester Theory Center
Who Runs Tucson?


Human Orbital Vehicle Lessons Learned


Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Models
Knowledge Objects
The Knowledge in Knowledge Management (KM)
Knowledge Modeling and Representation
Knowledge Management and Information Technologies
Facts, Concepts, Processes, Procedures, Principles




Pub. L. 102-588, title V, Sec. 510, Nov. 4, 1992, 106 Stat. 5129.), aka

15 USC CHAPTER 84 - COMMERCIAL SPACE COMPETITIVENESS Sec. 5808. Commercial Space Achievement Award




In 2008, the Commercial Space Award was presented to The Spaceship Company, jointly formed between Scaled Composites (Mojave, CA) led by Doug Shane, President, and Virgin Galactic (UK) led by Will Whitehorn, President, for its ground breaking efforts to commercialize personal spaceflight. The Spaceship Company manufactures new launch aircraft, spaceships and support equipment and will market them to spaceline operators, including the launch customer, Virgin Galactic. In July 2008, the developers rolled out VMS Eve, the carrier aircraft that will transport SS2 and private astronauts, science experiments and payloads on a sub-orbital space experience."


Statement of Craig E. Steidle at House Science Committee Hearing on NASA Aerospace Prizes | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

108 S2541 NASA Auth Act of 2004




108 HR3752 Comm Space Launch Amendments Act


Space Politics: RIP HR 3752. Or not?
Bill Summary & Status
ROHRAB_095_xml.pdf (application/pdf Object)


108 HR5041 VA/HUD/IA Approp Act 2005




108 S2825 VA/HUD/IA Approp Act 2005




NASA Authorization Act of 2005





Space-Related Incentive Prize Competitions


Google Lunar X PRIZE

Google Lunar X PRIZE Page: http://www.googlelunarxprize.org



Past Prize Competitions

Feynman Grand Prize


Feynman Grand Prize Page 1


1959- Kremer Prizes


hpag home page
Inventing Modern America: Perseverance - Paul MacCready
Academy of Achievement: Paul D. MacCready, Ph.D. Biography


2002- DARPA Grand Challenge


Grand Challenge Home


The Methuselah Foundation
2004 Space Journalism Prize
2004 - ? XCOR Steam Engine Prize
Millennium Prize Problems
Bigelow Aerospace, Inc. - America's Space Prize
Elevator 2010 Competition
Clarke Challenge


LOx Methane


Main Engine RFP
RCS Engine RFP


Prize Organizations




Prizes in History


Those Magnificent Men | Home

1714-1773 Longitude Prize


Longitude prize - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Longitude prize - encyclopedia article about Longitude prize. Free access, no registration needed. What does Longitude prize mean? What is Longitude prize? Provided by the Free Online Encyclopedia.
Harrisons Longitude Prize
Longitude prize
John Harrison and the Longitude problem : National Maritime Museum
John Harrison


1783-1855 Alkali Prize


Leblanc (Soda)
It was all about alkali
Chemical Classics
Science and Technology in the Early French Chemical Industry


1795-1810 Food Preservation Prize


Mealtime.org :: History of Canning Process
"Canning" by Edward Willett
History of Canning
History of canned foods
BNF Information: Canned Food
Mendel Chapter 4
N Appert, page1
Editions ROYER - Nicolas APPERT - Inventeur et humaniste


1862-1976 The Homestead Act


Homestead Act
The Homestead Act of 1862
Homestead Act of 1862
Homestead Act of 1862
PBS - THE WEST - The Homestead Act (1862)
Our Documents - Homestead Act (1862)
NARA | Digital Classroom | Teaching With Documents: The Homestead Act of 1862


1901-1913 Early Aviation Prizes


Google Image Result for http://www.first-to-fly.com/History%20Images/1906-1909/14Bis%20Summer%20Test.jpg


1910-1911 Hearst Prize


Coast to Coast
No. 1914: Cal Rodgers and Vin Fiz
1910 - Hearst Prize


1913-1919 XAtlantic Flight


Introduction John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown were two British fliers
The Vickers F.B.27 Vimy - England


1919-1927 Orteig Prize


Raymond Orteig-$25,000 prize
Charles Lindbergh - 75th Anniversary - The Cradle of Aviation Museum


How prizes pushed progress - The New Space Race - MSNBC.com

Super Efficienty Refrigerator Program


BPA - Energy Efficiency | Profile Executive Summary



Space Prizes



Comments (1)

Jonathan Card said

at 1:08 am on Jun 21, 2009

The Oxygen Use section could use links regarding the use of LOX as an oxidizer for rocket propulsion. I'll see what I can find.

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