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Notes from Commercial Space Meetings
Page history
last edited
by Ken Davidian 4 years, 8 months ago
Below is a series of links and notes that have been collected for different commercial space-related meetings.
The meetings that are covered on this page include:
Annual Meetings or Meeting Series
- X PRIZE Cup Events (updated Dec 18, 2008)
- International Symposium on Personal and Commercial Spaceflight (ISPS and ISPCS) (updated Dec 18, 2008)
- Space Commerce Roundtable Meetings
- Space Investment Summits
- Space Access Society (SAS) Conference
- FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation Conference (added Feb 7, 2009)
- Space Frontier Foundation's NewSpace Conferences (SFF NewSpace) (added Dec 18, 2008)
- National Space Society's International Space Development Conference (NSS ISDC)
- Space Foundation Space Business Forums
One-Off Meetings
Annual Meetings or Meeting Series
X PRIZE Cup Events - Notes by Clark Lindsey (RLVNews.com and HobbySpace.com)
International Symposium on Personal and Commercial Spaceflight (ISPS and ISPCS) - Notes by Clark Lindsey (RLVNews.com and HobbySpace.com)
Space Commerce Roundtable Meetings
Space Investment Summits
2007 April 16-17: Space Investment Summit 1, New York, NY
2007 May XX: Space Investment Summit 2, Washington, DC.
2007 Dec 5-6: Space Investment Summit 3, San Jose, CA.
2008 May 28: Space Investment Summit 4, Washington, DC.
2008 Dec 15: Space Investment Summit 5, Los Angeles, CA.
2009 May 27: Space Investment Summit 6, Orlando, FL.
2009 Sept 30: Space Investment Summit 7, Boston, MA.
- 2010 May 26: Space Investment Summit 8, Chicago, IL.
Space Access Society (SAS) Conference - Notes by Clark Lindsey (HobbySpace.com)
FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation Conference
Space Frontier Foundation's (SFF) NewSpace Conferences - Notes by Clark Lindsey (HobbySpace.com, RLVNews.com)
National Space Society's International Space Development Conference (NSS ISDC) -
Notes by Clark Lindsey (HobbySpace.com)
Space Foundation Space Business Forums
One-Off Meetings
- Held in Washington, D.C. at the Rayburn Building. About 40 people attended.
- Held in Washington, D.C. at the Rayburn Building. About 60 people attended.
- AIA Moderators
- Marion Blakey, AIA President
- JP Stevens, AIA Vice President, Space Systems
- Panelists:
- William Gerstenmaier, Associate Administrator, NASA Space Operations Directorate
- Joy Bryant, Vice President & Program Manager, International Space Station, The Boeing Company
- John Porter, CEO, Astrogenetix
- Dr. John Jessup, Chief, Diagnostics Evaluation Branch, Cancer Diagnosis Program, NIH
- Presentation Slides can be found on the AIA Website.
Held in Washington, D.C.. About 50 people attended.
Keynote: Space and the U.S. Economy delivered by Scott Pace, George Washington University's Space Policy Institute
Panel I: The Economic Impact of Space Based Assets
- Andrea Maleter, Futron Corp.
- Micah Walter Range, Space Foundation
Panel II: How Business Uses Space
- Charles Baker, DOC Office of Space Commercialization
- Dawn Sienicki, Digital Globe, Inc
- Held in Washington, D.C.. About 50 people attended.
- Opening Remarks
- Bob Dickman, Executive Director, AIAA
- David Logsdon, Executive Director, Space Enterprise Council/TechAmerica
- Panel I
- Edward Morris, Executive Director of Strategic Business Development,
- ITT Space Systems
- John Porter, CEO, Astrogenetix
- Pierre Chao, Managing Partner, Renaissance Strategic Advisors
- Panel II
- Molly Macauley, Senior Fellow and Director, Academic Programs,
- Resources for the Future
- Patrick Liu, Market Analyst, AIAA
- Closing Remarks
- Douglas Comstock, Director, Innovative Partnerships Program, NASA
Held in Washington, DC. About 100 people were in attendance.
Go here to see the full set of videos of this meeting on the AIAA YouTube page.
Welcoming Remarks - Klaus Dannenberg, Deputy Executive Director, AIAA
Industry Panel - Featuring Mike Gold, Director, Washington, D.C. Area Office, Bigelow Aerospace; George Sowers, Vice President, Business Development and Advanced Programs, United Launch Alliance; Max Vozoff, Director, Civil Business Development, Space Exploration Technologies; Frank L. Culbertson, Senior Vice President, Human Space Programs, Orbital Sciences Corporation; Moderated by Patti Grace Smith, Former FAA Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation and Aerospace Consultant
Government Panel - Featuring Geoff Yoder, Constellation Systems Division Manger, NASA HQ ESMD; Ken Davidian, “Encourage, Facilitate, and Promote” Program Lead, FAA/AST; Chan Lieu, Senior Professional Staff, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Jeff Bingham, Senior Advisor on Space and Aeronautics for the Minority, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Moderated by Michael Beavin, Senior Program Analyst, Department of Commerce Office of Space Commercialization
Closing Remarks - Charles Miller, Senior Advisor for Commercial Space, NASA Innovative Partnerships Program, NASA HQ
Held in Washington, DC. About 75 people were in attendance.
Welcome Remarks by Mark maurice, Vice President-Elect, International, AIAA
Industry Perspective Panel: Marc Holzapfel, Senior Legal Counsel, Virgin Galactic; Mike Gold, Director, Washington DC Area Office of Bigelow Aerospace; Time Hughes, Vice President and chief Counsel, SpaceX; Moderated by Patti Grace Smith, Aerospace Consultant with Patti Grace Smith Consulting.
Keynote Speech by the Honorable C.A. "Dutch" Rupporsberger (MD02), Chair, US House of Representatives' Permanent Select Subcommittee on Technology and Tactical Intelligence.
Government Perspective Panel: George Nield, FAA Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation; Michael Beavin, Senior Program Analyst, Department of Commerce Office of Space Commercialization; John Hall, NASA Director of the Export Control and Interagency Liaison Office; Moderated by Mike Gold (see above).
Held in New York, NY. About 45-50 people in attendance.
Moderated by Laurence Vigeant-Langlois (CIT).
Panelists include Dr. Jill Wittels (L-3 Communications), Hoyt Davidson (Near Earth LLC), Mike Dyment (NEXA Capital Partners), and Joe Parrish (Aurora Flight Sciences Corp.)
BONUS MATERIAL!!! Check out the end notes for some special bonus material!
2009 Jan 13: Washington Space Business Roundtable Lunch
2008 Dec 15: Human-Tended Suborbital Science Workshop
Held at the Westin San Francisco Market Street, San Francisco, CA.
(Notes pulled at the request of PSF. I guess there wasn't supposed to be any "press" of the event, so to respect their wishes, these notes are no longer available. Thanks for your understanding!)
(On second thought, if you would like to inquire about the meeting, why don't you send me an email.)
2008 Sept 25: Notes By Jeff Krukin
2008 Sept 16: Women in Aerospace (WIA) Commercial Space Panel
2008 May 13: Commercial Development Summit on NASA's Lunar Activities 2008 (CDS:Lunar '08) -
Meeting held at NASA HQ with representatives from all NASA's lunar programs providing overview information and technology/science needs. Below are the presentations that have been cleared by the presenters as containind no classified nor sensitive information. Enjoy!
Lunar Science Programs
Public NLSI.pdf, "NASA Lunar Science Institute" presented by Greg Schmidt
Public LEAG.pdf, "Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Report" presented by Steve Mackwell
Public ILN.pdf, "Plans for an International Lunar Network" presented by Tom Morgan
Public HTV.pdf "The Common Spacecraft Bus and Lunar Commercialization" presented by Alex MacDonald
Lunar Technology Programs
Public LPRP.pdf "Lunar Precursor Robotics Program" presented by Mark Nall
Public LRO-LCROSS.pdf, "LRO & LCOSS Project" presented by Benjy Neumann
Public SCaN.pdf, "Commercial & International Lunar Communications and Navigation Studies" presented by Calvin Ramos.
Public ETDP.pdf "Expolation Technology Development Program" presented by Chris Moore
An Engineering Assessment of the Way Forward in Human Spaceflight
Notes from Commercial Space Meetings
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (2)
Ken Davidian said
at 3:24 pm on Jun 20, 2008
I just reconstructed the set of tweets that comprised my "note taking" from the Space Foundation's Space Business Forum: New York meeting that was held on Wednesday, 18 June 2008. Just as a precautionary note to the reader: they are posted in reverse chronological order...
Anonymous said
at 6:23 am on Dec 16, 2008
I just converted the two sets of twitter notes that were posted on this page to separate pdf files, uploaded the files to this wiki, and linked to them from here.
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