Meeting Minutes: Business 06-10-08


NASA Academy Group Project – Business Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2008




Andrew M.

Tony M.

Michelle S.

Brad C.

Kenji N.




-          Create abstract for business section of group project

-          Continue research on case studies

-          Continue research on business markets with space applications

-          Continue research on NASA’s current business plan





The main objective of this project is to foster commercial development of the space industry in order to sustain human presence on the Moon. A detailed strategic plan to ensure this goal is met will be developed and will be focused on creating commercial opportunities within the space industry. A positive partnership between NASA and private industry will allow for NASA to operate much more cost effectively, enabling NASA to focus on cutting-edge space exploration and research. In order to prove feasibility of the proposed strategic plan, several case studies on past and future space applications will be researched and analyzed.


Future Action


-          Wednesday’s meeting with the overall group will be organized as follows for the business section

o   Introduce business abstract to group

o   Introduce prioritized list of objectives/goals

o   Introduce proposed method of choosing case studies with technical section

o   Introduce idea of having teams of two or three work on each case study

-          Produce more detailed research on selected case studies

-          Produce more detailed research on business markets with space applications

Produce more detailed research on NASA’s